Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday funny

My second mama (my MIL) and my nephew came over this afternoon. He always loves checking on the chickens, so we went out to see them and see the new guinea chicks. We have some young Barred Rock chicks that we got from McMurray a few weeks ago, and they always include a surprise chick in the order. I was telling Mamaw that we didn't know yet what breed the bonus chick was. My nephew looked at me real strange and said, "It doesn't have bones???" Bonus, C, bonus. Not boneless.

Speaking of chicks and chickens, we have a weird situation going on. Well, we don't, but my friend does. We had wound up with too many chicks back in the spring, so we sold several of the Hampshire Red chicks to my best friend. They've all grown beautifully, and she and I have been eagerly awaiting eggs from them. Mine have now been laying at least two weeks, but hers have yet to lay a single egg. No idea why. They all eat the exact same brand of food, bought from the same store. Our set ups are almost identical, same amount of sunlight during the day. Maybe my older hens gave mine the talk of What to Expect When You're Laying or something. If anyone has ideas on why chicks born at the same time, and raised together for a while, would be so different, please let me know! She's getting awfully tired of her freeloading hens. Her rooster sounds like he is being strangled when he tries to crow, so apparently she has gotten all the duds from that batch!

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